Kinesiology via Surrogation

One of the things that I love about Kinesiology is that it can transform even the shyest, most anxious or angriest of children into happy, confident, well-rounded kids. One of the ways that I can do this is through Kinesiology via Surrogation.

What is Kinesiology via Surrogation I hear you ask? It’s where the parent becomes a surrogate for their child’s energy system. Any Kinesiology work that is being done “physically” to the parent is actually being done “energetically” to the child.

Why do this?

Over the decade plus years that I have been in practice, I have come across many young children who are either very shy or very anxious or both. It most cases, we have only been able to coax them up into the bed, if their parent is up on the bed with them.

In other cases, the child refuses to get up onto the bed and will either stay on the chair or walk around the room.

Occasionally, the child might be extremely reactive (screaming), which makes the session somewhat difficult.

Then, the next hurdle is to get the child to say the positive statements that come up. With shy or anxious kids, most of the time, they will refuse to say the statements. This is where Kinesiology via Surrogation comes into play.

Who Kinesiology via Surrogation can help

A lot of times, as the Kinesiology begins to kick in over several sessions, the child will feel comfortable enough to experience the session themselves i.e. be on the bed alone, say the statements, have the corrections applied to them etc. But until that stage, doing Kinesiology via Surrogation works just as well.

Who is Kinesiology via Surrogation good for?

Toddlers & Pre-schoolers: Kinesiology can help them to better regulate their emotions, reduce anxiety and shyness, while increasing their confidence.

Primary School-aged Children: Kinesiology can help them if they are anxious and shy around new people.

Autistic Children: Kinesiology can help them improve their confidence, their sociability skills, their emotional regulation, and their patience. Sometimes, autistic children just don’t have the patience or emotional regulation to participate in the session. This is where Kinesiology via Surrogation can be really beneficial, because they are getting the help that they need without the potential frustration and meltdowns of being somewhere where they don’t want to be.  Plus, if you have a Self-Managed Fund or Plan Managed Fund, you can claim the Kinesiology sessions on the NDIS.

Teenagers: Kinesiology can help your teenager when they are struggling with confidence, anxiety, exam stress, or depression but they “don’t want to talk about it”. This is where my psychic abilities are particularly useful. Because as long as I have their permission to work on them, I can tap into what we need to work on and provide corrections to energetically shift them.

Children that live outside of Sydney: If you love my style of Intuitive Kinesiology, but do not live in Sydney and therefore cannot bring your children to see me face to face. I have treated numerous children in Melbourne via online remote surrogation.

You can read about the full range of how I can help kids here – Kinesiology for Kids

How does it work?

Just as I can do a Remote Online Kinesiology session with someone on the other side of the world, I can also direct all of the healing benefits of the session towards the individual being surrogated for. Because energy is energy.

I can do the Kinesiology via Surrogation either:

  • As Face-to-face in the clinic or

  • Via Remote Online sessions

Below, I go into more detail about how each one works.

In-Clinic Face to Face sessions

I will get the parent to hop up onto the bed (with or without the child)

I will have the parent read the children’s book/s that come up (this is because the book provides clues as to what we need to work on i.e. what positive statements do I need to put into circuit). Also, the majority of children will want to be near their parent to see what story they are reading.

I get the parents to repeat the positive statements while I self-muscle test to see whether the child’s subconscious mind believes the statement or not.


I will then apply any of the following corrections:

Acupuncture: If the child lets me, I will tape crystals, or apply an essential oil to the acupuncture point or I will gently hold the point. If they don’t, then I will do the same to their parent. Either/or, the correction is still working on the child through the surrogation.

If I am holding the acupuncture points, I will get the parent to read more children’s books, or we might listen to music or a song.

Sound Healings: I have Crystal Bowls, Chakra Chimes, Free Note Wings, Tibetan Cymbals, and Tuning Forks that can apply sound healings to the body. Sound healings are particularly soothing and really helps to relax anxious children

Energy Healings: While I am holding points and the parent is reading children’s books out loud or we are listening to music, I may do an energy healing on the child through their chakras and energy systems.


Once all of the corrections have been applied, I get the parent to repeat the positive statements again while I self-muscle test to see which ones have shifted from no’s to yes’s.

Kinesiology vis Surrogation How Does it Work

Online Remote Sessions

These are conducted very similar to my normal Online Remote Sessions – you could be on the other side of Sydney or the other side of the world. The child does not necessarily need to be in the room with you while the session is occurring. I have multiple clients who will do the session while their child is at school.


I find clues (for the positive statements that we plan to put into circuit) via children’s books, oracle cards, wellness books etc. I get the parent to repeat the statement while I tap into and test whether the child’s subconscious mind believes the statement or not.


I then apply the required correction

Acupuncture: I will place crystals on the bed where the acupuncture points would be if the child was lying there (we refer to it as a Hologram). While I am doing this, the parent can go off and do whatever they need to do at home.

Energy Healings: Usually, Archangels come through wanting to help by doing an energetic healing on the child. I ask the parent for permission for this to occur. And then I ask the Archangels how long they will need. It’s usually between 10-15 minutes. Again, the parent can go off and do their thing while the Archangels do the healing.


We then back out of the session by having the parent repeat the positive statements again, while I self-muscle test to see whether the child’s subconscious mind believes the positive statement or not.

Respecting Sovereignty

We can do Kinesiology via Surrogation because, in a child’s early years, the parent has sovereignty over the child’s wellbeing. And can therefore give me permission to work on their child. This relates to pre-school children and primary school children up to the age of eight or nine years old (depending on the child).

I work on a 10 year-old boy (via online remote surrogation) and he was so strong-willed that I couldn’t do any work without his permission. Which he gave each time, until he got sick of us asking him and then he gave me blanket permission to work on him.

I have also treated a 14-year-old boy, who would be in the next room while we did the session on him. He was happy to have the sessions occur, he was happy to listen to what was happening, and he was happy to receive the healings from the Archangels, he just didn’t want to physically be present and interact during the sessions.

Client’s first-hand experience with Kinesiology via Surrogation

I asked one of my Melbourne mums if she was willing to share her experience using Kinesiology via Surrogation for her two children

“I would like to share my thoughts and feelings regarding the sessions we have been doing for my 4-year-old son and my 2 ½ year old daughter.

When we left Sydney to move to Melbourne due to separation from their father, I was very worried for their emotional state. And how we would deal with being so far away from our beautiful Kinesiologist Liesl.

But fortunately, we were given the opportunity to do remote sessions with her, through surrogation.

I had never done it before and was, of course, suspicious on whether it would really work and be helpful for us.

And I have to confess, what an amazing outcome we have had. Liesl was doing the sessions on my kids through me via surrogation. And both my children have had some amazing shifts. We continued to do regular sessions (every month or two) for both of them. I love the practice and I feel very well held, and supported with lots of love, care and professionalism by Liesl.

I definitely recommended her to lots of people and I will still do.” Alison

How many sessions will it take?

That all depends on what we are working on. Generally for:

Toddlers to Primary School: it will usually take 4-8 sessions

Teenagers: it usually takes 6-12 sessions

The sessions tend to be spaced out every 6-8 weeks. This is because that’s how long the child’s system needs to take to integrate the sessions.


I find that this analogy is the best way to explain it:

Consider your child a dry sponge (at the beginning of the session).

During the session, I pour water onto that sponge (i.e. the corrections and healings) so that by the end of the session, the sponge is fully soaked. We need to wait until the sponge is completely dry again (i.e. the previous session has been fully integrated) before we start the process all over again.

How Kinesiology sessions build on one another

I go into more detail about this in my Blog Why I Can’t Fix You in just One Session.

Kinesiology via Surrogation is a great way to help your child or teenager when it might otherwise be difficult to have them participate in the session. If this is something you would like to know more about how it can help your child, please reach out to me via my contact form.

If you are ready to go for it, you can book a session here through my online booking portal.