At some point in our lives, we’ve all had a headache. For some of us, they are only a minor annoyance; for others, they are debilitating. I think that we can all agree that headaches can be a real S.O.B and we would rather not have them at all.

Headaches can be cause by a number of things such as:
 Dehydration
Muscle tension
 Poor posture
 Jaw
 Food sensitivities

When we look at the Mind Body Medicine connection for headaches, the location of headaches can tell us a lot about what is going on for the individual.

What the location of your headache is trying to tell you

Behind the eyes & on top of the head

What do headaches behind the eyes mean
  • Headaches in these regions indicate an imbalance in the Liver meridian (wood element).

  • When the Liver meridian is in balance we have high self-esteem; can fully accept ourselves for who we are (not what we do); are flexible in our decisions, opinions, and movements; are moving forward and putting our plans into action

  • When the Liver meridian is imbalanced we may feel stuck, unable to move forward in life, frustrated, find it hard to accept ourselves; feel that other people only accept us for what we do – not who we are; have low self-esteem

What does a headache on top of the head mean

Temples / Temporal Lobes 

  • Headaches that occur around the temples / temporal lobes indicate an imbalance in the Gall Bladder meridian (wood element)

  • When the Gall Bladder meridian is in balance we know what is right for us; we are able to make the right choices for ourselves; have the courage to follow our true path

  • When the Gall Bladder meridian is imbalanced we may feel anger; rage; resentment; feel rejected and/or fear rejection; are indecisive; are judgemental of ourselves and others; have high expectations of ourselves and others

What does a headache at the temples mean

Forehead / Frontal Lobes

What does a frontal headache mean
  • Headaches that occur in the forehead / frontal lobes indicate an imbalance in the Stomach meridian (earth element)

  • When the Stomach meridian is in balance we can empathise with others; are balanced in terms of giving and receiving; Are comfortable with our relationships

  • When the Stomach meridian is imbalanced we are prone to over-thinking; constant worrying about relationships and others; feel obligated to others; tend to give more than we receive

Back of the Head

  • Headaches that occur at the back of the head indicate an imbalance in the Bladder meridian (water element)

  • When the Bladder meridian is in balance we have a good work / life balance; feel safe & secure; are able to use our will in balanced ways

  • When the Bladder meridian is imbalanced we react to fear by either withdrawing from life or by trying to control every aspect of our lives to keep ourselves safe; may feel overly-driven and that we can never rest (always having to do, do, do)

What do headaches at the back of the head mean

So if you are on the receiving end of a headache/s (and I hope that you are not), it might be beneficial to start noting the location/s of the headache/s and see if the locations match anything that is going on in your life at that point in time.

Kinesiology may be able to help you with your headaches through:

Structural corrections
Cranial corrections
Identifying and diffusing any underlying emotional issues

Headache Pain
Liesl Frank Holistic Kinesiologist

Liesl (a Holistic Kinesiologist) is passionate about helping you to create and embrace your new life.

Liesl excels at identifying and clearing any limiting beliefs or blocks stopping you from achieving the life that you want.

Liesl is committed to supporting you along every part of your journey.

To discover how Liesl can help you visit the what I specialise in page. If you are wondering how Kinesiology works, visit the what is Kinesiology page.